On Love:
An Animated Zine

CKR has commissioned a new contribution to our ongoing ZINE series: Produced collaboratively by Mitchell Gilbert Messina and Joshua Biggs, On Love: A zine exists both as a static and animated zine, and looks at the theme of LOVE through the lens of art practice and work.

The ZINES are aimed at generating smaller publications that can easily be disseminated, focusing on specific themes and concepts in art and art history. The aim is to push the boundaries of the discipline beyond the standard ways of doing things.

As with other CKR platforms, the ZINES encourage and seek to generate collaborative, multilingual and transdisciplinary approaches to art-making and writing.


“I have this idea for an artwork, where you fall in love with someone”

“In it, you build and maintain a loving relationship with another person”


“I thought it was a funny work, because a lot of my ideas feel impossibly big,” but everybody loves somebody”

“But then I thought about how much work loving and being loved requires; all the time, effort, care and communication a healthy, loving relationship takes to cultivate”


“And maybe an artwork can provide a lens that makes all that invisible work evident? In that way good art catches you off-guard by revealing truths you already knew but forgot you believed.”


“And maybe being in love all day long, allows an art practice an escape outside itself?”


“Words and Images by Mitchell Gilbert Messina. Sound by Joshua Biggs. Commissioned by Creative Knowledge Resources”